Here is Ruth talking about how we want to create training and work placement opportunities for emerging conservators. Lockdowns have meant that museums and libraries are closed and that the usual means of gaining practical experience "on the job" just haven't existing for well over a year. We are looking for projects that can fill this gap. We want to hear from you - any ideas?
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Impact Heritage CIC Welcomes You
Doing Business the Right Way
Our Aims
★ Enable access to vulnerable collections through collection care and conservation. Identify potential risks from storage and display environments, handling, physical or material stability or security.
★ Extend the lifespan of specialised and vulnerable collections by training and educating volunteers and all those who interact with the collection. We want you to have the skills to care for them into the future and bring them to life.
★ Support collections care staff and volunteers with simple costings and clear explanations of the needs of the collection that will enable external funding. Our support also extends to archive-based collections which may be under-utilised by the community through lack of resources. We aim to improve access by making the collection more materially stable and by engaging the wider community in their heritage through displays, talks and advocacy.
★ Connect heritage groups with professionals that can help them to achieve their own
aims, whether that is access, display, outreach or physical conservation treatment.
★ Raise the profile of conservation and create more links within conservation groups.
★ Explore methods of creating sustainable revenue streams from the collection to
enable it to be cared for and accessed in the future.
★ Transform collections from being seen as potential liabilities to assets that may be used for
fundraising, community engagement and wider influence.
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